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About Moussa Academy

What is Moussa Academy?

Moussa Academy is an educational institution that offers online courses through a distance learning system. Our Research and Development department studies the needs of the job market in the field of software development and creates training programs that meet these demands. We prioritize quality in our training programs, flexibility, and continuous support for all our trainees.


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high-quality online education and distance learning that enhances the professional and cultural level of our trainees. We aim to serve the beneficiaries in the job market by helping them secure suitable jobs or start projects that achieve their goals and ambitions. Our objective is to guide our trainees towards unique achievements and successful projects, with God's help.


Our Goals

  • Accessibility: Make it easy to access courses through a distance learning system.

  • Quality: Provide high-quality courses with curricula that align with job market requirements.

  • Clarity: Offer comprehensive and straightforward explanations to ensure trainees understand the course material easily.

  • Assessment: Monitor trainee progress by administering exams after each level to measure performance. All our exams are open book.

  • Integration: Complement training with job opportunities to ensure practical application of learned skills.

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